Professor Martin Perez Le-Fort gave lectures in Hong Kong and Nanjing

Professor Martin Perez Le-Fort gave lectures in Hong Kong and Nanjing

Professor Martin Perez Le-Fort was invited to participate in two academic events in the cities of Hong Kong and Nanjing in China during May of 2011.

Prof. Martín Pérez Le-Fort
Prof. Martín Pérez Le-Fort

The first conference, held on May 16, included Prof. Perez Le-Fort presentation entitled "Misperceptions between China and Latin America" at China Energy Fund Committee in Hong Kong. This event was attended by diplomats and public interested on energy issues. 

The second academic activity was the workshop "Peace Studies Perspectives on Religion, Peace and War" hosted by Department of History at the Nanjing University, China, on May 21-22. Prof. Perez Le-Fort gave a presentation entitled "Different Perceptions of China in Latin American Countries". This workshop was attended by scholars from China, USA, and England, being Professor Pérez Le-Fort the only representative of Latin America. 


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