Conference at UCLA on Korean Studies

Conference at UCLA on Korean Studies

On 6 and 7 May 2011, was held at the University of California Los Angeles USA, the Conference: ¿Prospects for Regional Integration in East Asia: The Role of South Korea and Implications for the Americas¿ in the framework of Joint Research Project II (2010-2011) for the Korean Studies in the Americas.

Professor Martin Perez Le-Fort

This project brought together ten scholars from different countries, such as Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Korea, and the U.S. to discuss the possibility of regional integration in East Asia with a focus on Korea's role and position in this process. The first year of this project, 2009-10, was devoted to research and writing first drafts. During the second year, 2011, a conference was held to discuss research findings.

The academic of the Institute of International Studies, Professor Martin Perez Le-Fort participated by presenting their work: "Tok Do / Takeshima in Context: Historical Legacy, Bilateral Issues, Regional and Territorial Dispute". The results of the research project will be published in a book in the near future.

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