Prof. Martin Perez Le-Fort participates in International Conference in Mexico

Prof. Martin Perez Le-Fort participates in Conference in Mexico

Prof. Martin Perez Le-Fort gave a presentation at the Fourth International Conference of Latin American Studies Council of Asia and Oceania (CELAO) 2010, held in Guadalajara Mexico on November, 22-24, 2010.

IV Conferencia Internacional del Consejo de Estudios Latinoamericanos de Asia y Oceanía (CELAO) 2010

CELAO was established in Osaka, Japan, in September 26th, 2003. "CELAO has the purpose of promoting Latin-American scientific and multidisciplinary studies in Asia and Oceania, and the exchange of information and cooperation with its counterparts in other regions of the world" (from CELAO's statute).

CELAO 2010 looked forward to gather researchers specialized in Latin-America Studies from Asia and Oceania with researchers of Latin America (including the Caribbean, Canada and the United States of America), Europe and Africa, to analyze the impact of the 2008-09 global crisis on Latin America, its implications and alternative solutions from an "Asia-Pacific" perspective. In this opportunity, Prof. Perez Le-Fort presented his paper entitled: "Latin American role in China's Energy Security".

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